You are here: HomeStaffList of PersonnelENGLISHPagesMarine Biochemistry Laboratory

Reference: Anna Palumbo

lab biochimarinaLaboratory equipped for studies of the biochemistry of marine organisms including adaptive responses and immune system.

It includes an area for analysis of proteins and nucleic acids, and classic and basic biological laboratory equipments.

Systems for the experimentation

  • UV Spectrophotometer UV, recording spectra of UV/visible and enzyme kinetics.
  • electrophoresis on polyacrylamide and agarose gel.
  • Centrifuges.
  • Chromatography.

lab biochimarinaAnalysis

  • Measure of the response of marine organisms (adult and embryonic and larval stages) to environmental factors.
  • Morphological characterization and evaluation of biochemical parameters (doses of enzyme activities, evaluation of the cellular redox state).
  • Gene Expression, proteins and post-translational modifications induced by stress.
  • Purification and biological characterization of proteins and metabolites from marine organisms.

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