Loggerhead sea turtles as sentinels in the western Mediterranean: antibiotic resistance and environment-related modifications of Gram-negative bacteria
Sulfur-containing histidine compounds inhibit -glutamyl transpeptidase activity in human cancer cells
Are FADs a significant source of marine litter? Assessment of released debris and mitigation strategy in the Mediterranean sea
Molecular identity of the non-indigenous Cassiopea sp. from Palermo Harbour (central Mediterranean Sea)
Ocean acidification impact on ascidian Ciona robusta spermatozoa: New evidence for stress resilience
A multidisciplinary analytical framework to delineate spawning areas and quantify larval dispersal in coastal fish
Natural Sulfur-Containing Compounds: An Alternative Therapeutic Strategy against Liver Fibrosis
Sulfide oxidation in deep Baltic Sea sediments upon oxygenation and colonization by macrofauna
A fast-moving target: achieving marine conservation goals under shifting climate and policies
Evolutionary Gain of Dbx1 Expression Drives Subplate Identity in the Cerebral Cortex