You are here: HomeNewsHot TopicsWhat are the effects of microplastics in the Gulf of Naples?

A unique scientific experiment in the world has been performed in the Gulf of Naples.

The Zoological Station Anton Dohrn carried out, with the support of the Capitaneria di Porto di Napoli, in the area surrounding the port of Mergellina, six large submerged laboratories more than 15 meters deep and 2 meters in diameter, that allow sampling of water masses for the study of the effect of plastic, in particular those of small size, on the ecosystem.

The microplastics in size between 1/50 of a millimeter and one millimeter are continuing to rise in the seas but their effects are still unknown. Ongoing experiments will allow to understand the impacts on biodiversity and the biological effects on plankton. The Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn is conducting this research in collaboration with 10 Italian and European marine research institutes. Students from the Laurea MARE of the Federico II University as well as the Liceo Silvestri of Portici are also involved.

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