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World Environmental Health Day

World Environmental Health Day - 26 September 2015

26 September has by the International Federation of Environmental Health been declared: World Environmental Health Day to be celebrated each year

Theme for the 2015 World Environmental Health Day: Children are our future let’s protect their Environment and Health

Children’s Health & Safety and the Protection of their Environment is a highly important topic to all people in the World. The IFEH wants to highlight this and to focus on how to reduce exposure from the surrounding environment by announcing this theme for World Environmental Health Day 2015.

Children are one of the most vulnerable sections of our society. In comparison with adults they have less resistance to infection, poor diet & nutrition, chemical contaminants, air pollution from traffic as well as air pollution in general, and they are at higher risks in terms of injury from accidents at home and in regard to traffic accidents.
For further information (linkare a: http://www.ifeh.org/wehd/)

Il 26 Settembre del 2011 la Federazione Internazionale della Salute Ambientale (International Federation of Environmental Health - IFEH) ha lanciato la Giornata mondiale della salute ambientale in occasione della riunione del Consiglio in Indonesia. Per tale occasione, gli studenti della “University of Indonesia” avevano composto ed arrangiato un meraviglioso inno per celebrare l'inizio di questo giorno speciale. È possibile guardare questo momento molto speciale ed ascoltare la bella melodia e testi eseguiti da studenti provenienti da diverse università indonesiane su YouTube.com registrati ed a cura dell’IFEH.


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